Most of you are aware that both of our daughters, Grace and Meghan, were born prematurely. Gracie was our "biggest" baby born at 34 weeks weighing 3 pounds, 14.5 ounces. Meghan was our littlest peanut born at 27 weeks weighing in at 1 pound, 9.5 ounces. Severe preeclampsia caused their early births. Every day 1 in 8 babies born in the U.S. arrives too soon. Premature birth can happen to any pregnant woman. It is a serious, common, and costly problem. The March of Dimes is leading the campaign to reduce premature birth by supporting research and by educating the public and health care providers.

The effects of prematurity last longer than past hospital discharge, and both of my daughters experience the under recognized side effects of prematurity every day. This Saturday, April 26, 2008, my husband, Charlie, and I will be proudly walking with our miracles in the March of Dimes March of Babies walk. I would be honored if you would consider a donation to our fundraising efforts. Thanks for your consideration. We appreciate it more than you could ever know.
Please help by donating today!
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