With every milestone achieved, this mommy feels tears of joy and pride. I can't believe how fast Meghan is growing up. My baby is growing up so quickly, and I feel like I'm missing it. I know that I'm really not missing it, but for some reason, Meghan's milestones are somewhat bittersweet. She is my last, and I tell her this all the time: "You will always be my baby." This picture was just about four years ago today. Look how small she was. Amazing.
Meghan graduated from preschool, K3, today. Tonight, we celebrated in the basement of the church. Her class sang three songs:
* Father I Adore You
* Devil is a Sly Old Fox
* We are the Dinosaurs
It was a very nice program. She was quite proud to sing in "the show" and spend time with her friends. I sat back, soaked it all in, and tried not to cry through the program. I know that most mommies don't cry, but she is a such a miracle in our lives. I can't help it. Enjoy these pictures of her K3 commencement:
The Devil is a Sly Old Fox...
The Devil is a Sly Old Fox...

That's NICU nurse Anita! She took care of Hailey too!
WOOHOOO! WTG baby girl!
Who are the mommies that don't cry about stuff like that?
Oh, congrats Miss Meghan! That video clip was just the cutest, Jen!
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