The 4th of July began with parade preparations, and decorating of bicycles. Next came face painting, games at the park, surprise run-ins with school friends, rides on the swings and slides, and a fire engine spraying a plume of water all over the park goers. Upon returning home, we rode bikes and set up for our back yard barbeque. Out of town cousins arrived. Tante and Hailey popped over. Favorite Auntie Lo Lo drew shrieks of delight. Much food was eaten, and we wrapped it all up with the girls' first ever official, get to stay up late, fireworks display at Hart Park. Ears were covered. Senses offended. Eyes widened. Fears emerged so we had an early departure, which helped us beat the traffic home. Fun for all...

I can't believe how grown-up the girls look! We were with Frau Bay this weekend and she said that Grace is so tall!! We'll be home in a week and the kids would love to get together with the girls. If you are around maybe we could meet up some evening for ice cream or something. I'd love to see you too!
I, too, am struck at how much the girls have grown over the last months. Wow.
Looks like a fun time was had by all!
beautiful girls!
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