Saturday, October 28, 2006

Cha, Cha, Cha, Changes...

I just got back from airport hell. Atlanta shut down due to a very bad rain storm yesterday afternoon, and as a result, all of the flights in the entire airport were either cancelled or delayed. Ick! I definitely could have thought of a better way to spend the time.

I was so looking forward to sleeping in my own bed after the awful hotel bed. Well, dear hubby decided to give me a brand new matress for my birthday. First change, upon reentry, that I perceived.

He also decided to put Meghan into her first official "big girl bed" while I was away. Another change that I missed.

Meghan went trick or treating for the very first time tonight while I was in airport hell...another change that I missed.

Some of my oldest friends called me while I was away. They were inquiring about our shared friend who went through the worst experience of her life while I was away. Another change that I missed.

I hate change right now. There is simply too much for me to handle right now. Is it too much to ask that if I go away for 2 days that when I return things are mostly the same? Guess it is, at least today.

Happy Birthday to me. I'm 34 today, and my only plan is to check in with aforementioned old friend to see how she is doing. Please pray for her. Thanks!


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