Monday, December 11, 2006

Always See the Bright Side

Today while I was dropping Meghan off at her day care, Grace looked at the back of our filthy mini-van and said, "Mommy, why is there a rainbow on our car?"

I paused for a moment and thought, "Huh? Rainbow?"

As I examined the back of our van, I noticed the perfect shape of a rainbow on our back window. It was the only clean spot on the back of the van...exactly where I had turned on the window wiper.

This made me laugh since I was being the jaded, scruntinizing adult that I am. Gracie simply saw something pretty in the middle of something so dirty. All I saw was the filthy, gray "guck" on the back of my van.

I need to act more like a 4-year old from now on.

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