Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Ho, ho, ho…I’m sick

Last week, I caught one of the nastiest colds I’ve had in a very long time. My nose was rather faucet-like. ha ha I think I caught the bug that Meghan had to fend off with antiobiotics recently.

Today, I took myself to the doctor because my left lung hurt. I’ve never had lungs hurt before. I also have a very nasty “chunky” cough with lots of Christmas green color “things” to use a technical term. I guess you could say that my Alpha-1 radar was up.

Being that I’m a gene carrier (MZ) for Alpha-1, I know that I have less Alpha-1 circulating in my blood stream to fend off this particular nasty infection. I do admit that I say that with a little hesitation, since I don’t want to state my case as being horrible when compared to the many individuals who live with ZZ Alpha-1 on a daily basis. ZZ Alphas certainly deal with much greater consequences of repeat lung infections. In any case, I thought it wise to protect my lungs by telling the doc about my recent illness.

Well, my dear old doc informed me that I’m wheezing pretty badly especially on my left side. So, guess what? I get to take prednisone, a steroid to reduce the inflammation in my lungs, along with an antibiotic for 10 days.

Fun, fun, fun

Cough, cough, cough

Ho, ho, ho

I hope to be better by Christmas.


Amanda M said...

Eeks...wheezing's no fun. Hope the prednisone does the trick!! Feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

I've had that pain in my lungs before- but I was put on an inhaled steriod as a preventative measure for my stinkin asthma, instead. I hear predisnone gives some crazy dreams!! Just ask Timmy! :) -Lo